Wednesday 11 March 2009

Five Months Development

Every month is amazing and full of excitement. You get to see new new activities and they are just wonderful. Babies are really wonders.Today my little boy is five months and the developments are many and they all come as a surprise everydayJ He flips and rolls over, blabber, dribbles, oh god so many.

He is getting vocal,hehhehe and ends up doing greeee, geeee, mmeee and lot more funny words(it makes me laugh), I imitate his blabber and he smiles and laughs. The happy happy laughter comes out from my little boy, its just full of innocence. I am just waiting for the day when he'll speak the first word clearly, ahhh those days will be wonder.

Babies become messy as they grows and dribbles a lot, thats what Ayush does, everytime he keeps doing that and makes bubbles from  saliva. Always wiggling and mess himself a lot, trying to just grab everything whatever comes in his way and just mingle everything with saliva (looks like he is teething, that’s why he scrubs his gums and dribbles). I keep asking the health visitor and I take Ayush to different baby classes and its nice to know all different mum’s and babies experiences  and then you find almost every activities of babies are similar. Babies enjoy seeing each other and sometimes it looks so funny that they are continuously watching each other J

I take him to rhyme class too and now my boy is a member of library, he has got the library card and a book start, in this five months we’ve been lots of activities J Life has really become very busy, each seconds counts.

Good parenting means good times, not perfect times. There are no perfect parents, only caring and dedicated parents and every parents wants to give the best to their babies.

And Yes…

today its Holi too and its his first holi, so we did pooja and we just touched Ayush’s face with gulalJ In the evening we all went to nanaji’s and aunty’s for the dinner. So altogether it was dual celebration, holi and Ayush’s five months ...

So many things are happening in and around him, sometimes I just gaze in his eyes and wonder what he must be feeling in his first experience of the outside world…





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy holi to you all and especially a very special first holi to your lovely baby. Where are the pics??